Getting Started

Easychic is a WordPress theme developed for web creators. It provides a modern development environment with flexible customization options.


  1. Select "Appearance" → "Themes" from the WordPress admin panel
  2. Click "Add New"
  3. Enter "Easychic" in the search form
  4. Install the Easychic theme that appears
  5. Click "Activate"
  6. Easychic will appear above the "Themes" menu

Easychic Settings

Theme customization can be done from "Appearance" → "Customize" or "Easychic" → "Customize" in the WordPress admin panel.

Main Settings:

1. Layout Settings

  1. Choose between single-column or two-column layout.
  2. Select the sidebar position simultaneously.

2. Font Settings

Choose from four fonts including Gothic and serif.

3. Site Style Settings

Select from four color schemes according to your preference.

4. Basic Site Information

Configure logo, site icon, title, and tagline settings.

5. Color Settings

Select the background color for the entire site.

6. Background Image

Select the background image for the entire site.

7. Menu Settings

Easychic allows one header menu and three footer menus (left, center, right).
By default, only the left (footer-sns) and right (footer-right) are displayed.
Click "Show all locations" and click create new menu for each position.
Fill in the menu position, menu name, and add items, then click either "Create Menu" or "Publish" button.

8. Widget Settings

Select and save the widgets you want to display in the sidebar.
Press the + button in the top left to add desired widgets to the sidebar.


Creating a Child Theme:

  1. Create an "easychic-child" folder for the child theme in the wp-content/themes directory
  2. Create style.css file and write the necessary information
  3. Create functions.php and add required functionality
  4. Copy files you want to customize from parent theme "easychic" to child theme "easychic-child"
  5. Freely customize the contents of the child theme

Content to include at the beginning of child theme's style.css:

* Theme Name: Easychic Child //original name
* Template: easychic         //parent theme folder 
* Text Domain: easychic-child  //original name

Content to include in child theme's functions.php:

function easychic_child_enqueue_scripts() {

    $theme_parent_version = wp_get_theme()->parent()->get('Version');
    $theme_version = wp_get_theme()->get('Version');

    wp_enqueue_style('easychic-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css', array(), $theme_parent_version);
    wp_enqueue_style('easychic-child-style', get_stylesheet_uri(), array('easychic-original-style'), $theme_version)
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'easychic_child_enqueue_scripts');                                        

When there is a theme update, all contents of the parent theme "easychic" will be overwritten, so please make sure to create a child theme before making any customizations.